Category Archives : Re-programmed Nature

Alive, New Design Frontiers

| project type | Curation Website: | project synopsis | Alive, New Design Frontiers / En vie, aux frontieres du design, Espace EDF Foundation, Paris, April-September 2013. The first international design exhibition dedicated to explore how the interface of biology and design could be leading the path to new sustainable paradigms. Curator: Carole Collet, Professor in Design For Sustainable Futures, Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London Objective: To reveal and question a new design landscape, where fragments […]


| project type | Design research | project synopsis | Biolace is a speculative design project which explores the potential of synthetic biology for future fabrication. In a future located in 2050, when natural resources have become scarce, and global population has reached 9 Billion, food grows in urban hydroponic greenhouses that host new species of plants genetically engineered to ‘manufacture’ multi-products to save energy, space and time. Biolace aims at questionning the validity and ethics of an emerging synthetic […]

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